International Community of NLP 18 April 2024

Standard and Ethics

ICNLP Standards and Ethics

Certified NLP trainers who give NLP trainings agree to act according to these principles.

Ethics and standards do not state the details of what participants must do. They form a framework within which participants are free to express themselves.

These principles always act within the context of the laws of the participants country.

The ICNLP is not responsible for the work of its certifieds, nor does it monitor them on an ongoing basis. Certified are responsible for their own work and their own results.

However, the ICNLP will act on complaints against their ethics and standards, if they are brought to our attention. If these are proved, the certified will be barred from the ICNLP.


Ethics are the principles of action.

The ICNLP Ethics outline the broad principles of action for ICNLP certified that they apply to themselves in their dealings with others.


Standards cover the principles of actions that apply to others.

The ICNLP Standards are for certified ICNLP trainers who train NLP courses that will be certified through the ICNLP, and ICNLP participants who represent the ICNLP to other people or organisations.


Requirements are the criteria for a training to be recognised.

The ICNLP requirements are the criteria for Practitioner, Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer courses in terms of time and content to meet ICNLP standards. They also cover what participants need to know and demonstrate at each level to be certified at ICNLP training.

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